Positive Psychology and Physical Health: Research and Applications

Date Published: 
September 2014
Park, N, Peterson, C, Szvarca, D, Vander Molen, RJ, Kim, ES, & Collon, K

This article describes evidences in how topics in positive psychology apply to physical health. Research has demonstrated that psychological health assets (e.g. optimism, life satisfaction) are prospectively associated with positive health outcomes on a variety of measures. Currently we do not know if positive psychology interventions can improve physical health outcomes. Therefore, the authors suggest future directions for application of positive psychology in physical health.

Health Assets: 
Eudaimonic Well-being, Happiness, Healthy Lifestyles, Life Satisfaction, Optimism, Physical Activity, Positive Affect, Positive Emotions, Positive Psychological Well-Being, Psychological Well-being, Psychosocial Interventions, Purpose in Life, Religious Fervor/Piety, Self-regulation, Social Relations, Vitality
Health Conditions: 
Chronic Disease, Life Outcomes, Well-being
Positive Health Type: 
Biological, Functional, Subjective
RWJF Grant-Funded: 