Research Database

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May 14th, 2015
The U.S. Army Person-Event Data Environment: A Military-Civilian Big Data Enterprise
This report describes a groundbreaking military-civilian collaboration that benefits from an Army and Department of Defense (DoD big data business intelligence platform called the Person-Event Data Environment (PDE). The PDE - a consolidated data repository that contains unclassified but sensitive manpower, training, financial, health, and medical records covering U.S.
July 2014
Association of Neighborhood Characteristics with Cardiovascular Health in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Artherosclerosis
An analysis of baseline examination data from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Artherosclerosis was conducted in order to investigate predictors of cardiovascular health (CVH) - a global measure of one's burden of cardiovascular risk factors. Neighborhood environment - such as favorable food stores, physical activity resources, and walking/physical activity environment - and neighborhood socioeconomic status were found to be associated with ideal CVH.
May 2011
Heart Health When Life is Satisfying: Evidence from the Whitehall II Cohort Study
It seems like common sense that being depressed or anxious is not good for a person’s health. But does well-being offer protective effects on cardiovascular health?
