A Multidimensional Approach to Measuring Well-Being in Students: Application of the PERMA Framework

Date Published: 
July 2014
Kern, ML, Waters, LE, Adler, A, and White, MA

Martin Seligman's multidimensional theory of psychological well-being, PERMA (positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment), was empirically tested on a sample of Australian male students (age 13-18). Researchers selected a subset of theoretically relevant items from an extensive well-being assessment. Four of the fiver PERMA elements emerged from a factor analysis, along with two ill-being factors. Researchers then explored correlates with each factor, such as life satisfaction, hope, gratitude, engagement, growth mindset, spirituality, physical vitality, physical activity, somatic symptoms, and stressful life events. Factors differentially related to these correlates, offering support for the multidimensional approach to measuring well-being.

Health Assets: 
Eudaimonic Well-being, Happiness, Healthy Lifestyles, Life Satisfaction, Optimism, Physical Activity, Positive Emotions, Positive Psychological Well-Being, Psychological Well-being, Purpose in Life, Subjective Well-being, Vitality
Health Conditions: 
Fitness, General Health, Optimism, Well-being
Positive Health Type: 
Functional, Subjective