Research Database

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July 2013
Theory and Validity of Life Satisfaction Scales
Countries around the world are considering and adopting national accounts of subjective well-being. This study examines the measures of life satisfaction used to define subjective well-being, and how measures can impact public policy.
March 2013
Review of the Day Reconstruction Method (DRM)
Researchers review the Day Reconstruction Method (DRM) for assessing daily experience and subjective well-being.
February 2013
Purpose in life and reduced incidence of stroke in older adults: 'The Health and Retirement Study'
Understanding psychological factors that may be linked to disease can lead to innovative prevention and treatment efforts. This study examines a positive psychological characteristic—purpose in life—and its relationship to stroke.
February 2013
Relation Between Optimism and Lipids in Midlife
This study examines the impact optimism has on serum lipids, including total cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. This research found that optimism was positively correlated with HDL cholesterol and triglycerides, but was not associated with LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol.
January 2013
A prospective study of positive early life psychosocial factors and favorable cardiovascular risk in adulthood
Most children are born with the components of favorable cardiovascular risk—good blood pressure, lipid, and glucose levels; ideal body weight; and not smoking. If they can hold onto those assets, keep their weight down, and not get diabetes, they can avoid cardiovascular disease later. These researchers wanted to identify early psychosocial factors that safeguard and promote cardiovascular health into adulthood.
