Research Database

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December 2013
Greater life satisfaction predicted fewer doctor visits - even after controlling for baseline health and possible sociodemographic and health-related confounds. Implications for reducing health care costs are discussed.
July 2013
Theory and Validity of Life Satisfaction Scales
Countries around the world are considering and adopting national accounts of subjective well-being. This study examines the measures of life satisfaction used to define subjective well-being, and how measures can impact public policy.
February 2013
Relation Between Optimism and Lipids in Midlife
This study examines the impact optimism has on serum lipids, including total cholesterol, LDL and HDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. This research found that optimism was positively correlated with HDL cholesterol and triglycerides, but was not associated with LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol.
December 2012
The Promise of Well-Being Interventions for Improving Health Risk Behaviors
People who have positive psychological well-being may be more likely to engage in heart-healthy behaviors such as exercising, eating a healthy diet, and avoiding smoking, all behaviors that also reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease. These researchers reviewed the evidence linking well-being and health behaviors, and described strategies to enhance well-being studied by others, and the implications for cardiovascular health.
November 2012
From Cardiovascular Disease to Cardiovascular Health: A Quiet Revolution?
This physician essayist applauds the adoption of the American Heart Association’s 2020 Impact Goal to improve the cardiovascular health (CVH) of all Americans by 20 percent while reducing deaths from cardiovascular disease (CVD) and stroke by 20 percent—by the year 2020.
