
Read about Positive Health research in the news.

Having A Positive Outlook On Life 'Wards Off Heart Disease'

The Huffington Post UK | Apr 18, 2012 | The Heart's Content: The Association Between Positive Psychological Well-Being and Cardiovascular Health
"Looking on the bright side of life not only boosts your mood – it could also help you live longer, claims a recent study..."

Optimism Could Be The Secret To A Healthy Heart, Study Suggests

The Huffington Post | Apr 17, 2012 | The Heart's Content: The Association Between Positive Psychological Well-Being and Cardiovascular Health
"Researchers have made great strides in developing drugs and technologies to improve heart health, but the key to a healthy ticker may be far simpler..."

New Evidence Continues to Build the Field of Positive Health

Pioneering Ideas Blog | Apr 17, 2012 | The Heart's Content: The Association Between Positive Psychological Well-Being and Cardiovascular Health
"Today, the Psychological Bulletin published research by Julia K. Boehm and Laura Kubzansky from the Harvard School of Public Health suggesting that positive psychological well-being – such as life purpose, positive emotion, life satisfaction, happiness and optimism – can help protect against and slow the progression of heart disease..."

Happy? Positive outlook may be good for your heart

Associated Press | Apr 17, 2012 | The Heart's Content: The Association Between Positive Psychological Well-Being and Cardiovascular Health
"Scientists have long known that Type A personalities and people who are chronically angry, anxious or depressed have a higher risk of heart attacks..."

Want Better Heart Health? Don't Worry, Be Happy

ABC News Radio | Apr 17, 2012 | The Heart's Content: The Association Between Positive Psychological Well-Being and Cardiovascular Health
"Are you a glass half-empty or a glass half-full kind of person?  Researchers say a glass half-full perspective could do more for you than just make you smile..."
